Ministry Testimonies
Miss Michelle, I am often amazed that you don’t have more traffic or a bigger following because you are a vessel of such purity and truth. I say that with utter sincerity. Of course, often the masses don’t want to hear the actual truth, right? But I digress. In thinking about this today, I had the thought that I am privileged to have found you in 2016 and know you’re out there. The Lord knows you have the words I need in this season, and it’s been a tough one. Thank you for your obedience and being willing to lose your life to find it.
Stephanie, 59, Tacoma, WA
I have sent your video of the COVID HEALING PRAYER video to a few of my family and friends, and have played it and prayed with them. All of my family have recovered fully (three of whom are born-again Christians). This lady (comment below in italics) is a FB friend whom I’ve discovered goes to my old church. She watched the video tonight. Your obedience to our Lord is a testimony of your love for him. My prayer is others see Him in me, as I see Him in you.
Here is what the person I gave the video to wrote:
She's lovely, Samantha. I'm trusting that God will heal. I felt heat at the back of me, and thought to myself, "I don't have a hot water bottle in bed with me!" LOL. Thank you so much for sending me that video. Much appreciated. Xx
Samantha, 51, Belfast, IRELAND
Omg, thank you SO much for the "Angel Escort Believers" video. My mom passed away in May last year. She had covid but then was released to a nursing home for rehab but I couldn't see her even though she was covid-free and though I tried. I didn't even get to talk to her the five days she was there. Anyways, she passed while there and all I could see in my mind was her lying there, all by herself. But now... now I see angels with her and I can stop beating myself up for not being more assertive, etc. Oh, and as a side note, the last good conversation I had with her while she was in the hospital, she was telling me how angels had visited her. She was so happy and excited talking about them. At first, I thought maybe it was meds, but I don't believe it was. So now I wonder if they were the same ones that came for her. So thank you again, Michelle, for all your encouraging videos. You are a blessing for sure.
Melissa, age 61, New York, USA
Even though we’ve never met, we share a mutual love of the Lord and ministering. I just wanted to let you know how your ministry has touched my life. Even though there’s a lot of newsfeed on Facebook, I am drawn to your posts. You have challenged, inspired, encouraged, and stretched me. I sense what you post is a direct result of hearing from the Lord and being obedient to your calling from Him. I sense He is very pleased with your ministry and that He wanted me to encourage you. Thank you for listening to Him and for your ministry. Father, continue to fill Michelle with your holy boldness and confidence. May she continue to hear your voice and be equipped for what you are calling her to do. Strengthen and encourage her. You are a good, good, Father. Blessings!
Ann Y, age 66, Pennsylvania, USA
Michelle's ministry leaves a person with “nowhere to go but grow.” It creates spiritual hunger and thirst. My favorite thing about her ministry is her teaching interpretation of the Word in relation to her prophetic gifting. I also love her ability to discern and I appreciate her boldness and uncompromising spiritual walk.
Barb, age 53, Washington state, USA
After being prayed for and prophesied over, I felt immediate tingling on both sides of my head. Michelle was unaware that mental healing was what I was in prayerful search of. Michelle prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill me to overflowing. I wrote a journal entry after receiving prayer and almost instantaneously I heard the Holy Spirit when I asked, "What do You see in me?" In weeks since my spiritual connection has only deepened. The inner fullness and peace I feel now has lead me back home to the Holy Trinity and to myself.
John, age 29, New York, USA
My Dear Sister,
I have listened to one of your videos and I was so proud of you, it was Rocking Excellent!! The Gifts you possess are abundant, one being WISDOM. I've also seen it when I have been in your very presence, not to mention more! Fruit, Fruit, Fruit... You have allowed pruning to be done to "self", and the fruit is just starting now... My son, Jimmie, wants to hear your videos tomorrow on my tablet! How awesome is that?! What a bright and exciting future you have in Jesus Christ Our Lord!
Ann, 71, New York, USA
The Lord has used Michelle in NUMEROUS ways since we met only a short six months ago. She blessed my daughter and me with her wonderful prophetic voice by giving us hope and encouragement in love. Holy Spirit has spoken to me MANY times through her Facebook posts in a REAL and VIBRANT way! I have also received confirmation of words the Lord had given to me through Michelle's videos of visions He gave her! It was amazing and powerful and clearly the work of Holy Spirit! Michelle is a loving, kind, discerning, bold, and gifted woman of God! A true blessing to all around her.
Julie, 46, Utah, USA
Michelle has helped me to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit more clearly. She prayed for my spiritual eyes and ears to open. The following day I started receiving encouragement from the Holy Spirit as I prayed and read the Word. I continue to hear the Holy Spirit speaking every day now and I also see symbolic pictures. I thank Michelle for sharing her impartation; it has made such a difference in my life.
Teresa, age 47, Pennsylvania, USA
I met Michelle a few years ago at an outdoor Christian Concert Festival. She was sitting next to me and told me she thought Holy Spirit wanted her to pray for me. I had never received a prophecy before that day. The prophecy really showed me how much God loves me and is proud of me. It was recorded on my phone so I have been able to listen to God's love through her whenever I want. It has strengthened my walk with Him and has opened the lines of communication. I can now hear God's voice in an incredible way that I never knew was even humanly possible. I am very grateful that God deepened my relationship with Him by speaking through Michelle.
Ann Marie, age 40, New York, USA
The first time Michelle prayed over me I received a very intense feeling of an anointing of Father's love for me, flowing from Michelle onto me, like I've never felt before. She had an intimacy with the Lord I had not yet stepped into and I felt that the next prophetic word she released to me she also imparted her anointing for carrying the Father's heart. Michelle has shown me how it is to have a prophetic word well-founded in Scripture
as she is well-equipped in the word and equal in flowing with the Holy Spirit. I went to new levels with my own prophetic gift after Michelle encouraged me and she received prophecy from me as well. She has an amazing teaching anointing and a very fun and creative way of teaching that sometimes includes prophetic acts to help with activations and healing. I would sit under her teaching on any topic at any time and I would go anywhere to sit under her wisdom-infused anointing.
Teena, age 52, Pennsylvania, USA
Michelle is a friend whom I've been blessed to receive much encouragement from, even at unexpected times when she has delivered words from the Lord that were very powerful and effective. The prophecies came right when I needed them and brought much hope and encouragement to me. They always make me cry because they're so “right on,” accomplishing the purpose they were sent for. She is an amazing fearless, feisty, and powerful lover of Jesus who sees and hears so clearly from our King. I love hearing her teach because she is real and transparent and not afraid to share her own struggles, which makes her easy to relate to and down to earth. God bless you, Michelle!
Denise, age 47, New York, USA
Michelle has excellent discernment when it comes to national spiritual matters. She sees what's going on in the spirit realm, and prays accordingly—that's a real gift—I am in agreement with everything that she posts.
David, age 53, New York, USA
Michelle launched me in my role as a prayer warrior when she prayed for me. The Lord used HER to give me my identity (that I suspected I had) but YOU confirmed for me!!! Thank YOU again for the 12th time.
Terry, New York, USA
Michelle has been such a blessing to me and my family. The words she spoke over us were so accurate and truly touched our hearts. We are so thankful that God brought her into our lives.
Sonya, Ontario, CANADA
Love you so much, Michelle! I wish I could give you a big birthday hug! God has used your videos to speak to me during some tough times. I will continue to pray that whatever you post online will supernaturally bypass the algorithms and will be IMPOSSIBLE TO CENSOR in JESUS' NAME!
Christine, age 29, MALAYSIA
I have been following Michelle on Facebook for about six years. She’s the first FB friend I actually met and wanted to continue hearing from! She consistently moves in the Lord with wisdom, compassion, and prophetic gifting. I’m especially engaged when she prays, as she even does that prophetically. I thank God for her often and sometimes even check my own spirit based on her words from the Lord.
Christy, age 53, New York, USA
He has used you to greatly encourage me. You have believed in me and called out giftings in me at times when others did not. I can’t tell you what a gift that has been. I am truly grateful for you and for your obedience to Him. He’s continuing to build His revelation in you. It will all be worth it, friend. Faith shields up.
Carol, 53, Texas, USA
Hey Michelle, you spoke to me when I was sitting in front of Jack Astor's Restaurant in the mall. I just wanted to say thank you for giving me that message that day, it really helped me become a better person. I listen to it at least twice a week and it motivates me to prevail and become wiser.
Devin, 22, New York, USA
This is from a YouTube viewer. She is referring to one of the videos Holy Spirit gave me but
I also gave her a prophecy in response to her kind comments:
You don’t know how timely those words were, Michelle. Had you responded to what I wrote three weeks ago, the words wouldn’t impact me as much as they did yesterday, when I really needed some encouragement. I am back in focus, and in hindsight, it makes sense that it's women I'm called to. The prophecy in the video impacted me like no other prophecy has, and the Spirit stirred in me when you gave me those personal words. May His will be done and His name be glorified! I will indeed watch and see what He will do. How great is our God! Bless you, dear sister for your care, and for your obedience to our glorious King!
Chamillian, YouTube viewer
This is from a young woman God gave me a prophecy to as she waited for the store in the mall to open.
I am so, so, so happy I met you yesterday! There are times when I ask God why did you pick me? Why are you making my life seem so much harder than it has to be? Why couldn’t I just be a regular person and live a regular life?! But it’s moments like yesterday in the mall, like when I met you, that keep me going! I almost didn’t believe it only because of all the craziness going on in the world sometimes I just don’t know who to trust. That moment was so real I’ve been telling everybody about you all day! You made my day! I can’t say thank you enough. I thank God that I met you. I do not believe in coincidences at all. Thank you so much! God has truly blessed you to be a blessing to other people and I aspire to do the same in my own way someday!
Telia, 22, New York, USA
This is a thank you from someone who was a student when I taught about how to take authority over demons.
Thanks for the good teaching, Michelle. I have been commanding any demons that even try to come against or around me to be bound, shackled, deaf, dumb, blind, mute, rendered noneffective and non-influential, unable to retaliate against me or anyone or anything to do with me,
as you recommended when you taught not too long ago. You are a blessing. You even successfully manage to make rather heavy topics more lighthearted, teaching these lessons in a calm and sensible way. I believe the LORD, our Most Great and Sacred Teacher, would be pleased.
Lisa, New York, USA
This is from a young woman of God on Facebook whom the Lord gave me a word for in honor of her birthday.
Though I've never met her, the trinity knows her well!
Hi Michelle!
Thank you SO very much for sharing what Papa laid on your heart for me! This brought me to tears and has left me absolutely speechless! HE IS SO GOOD and His timing is PERFECT in all things! So very grateful for this word from such a loving Father!
Cassandra, age 26, New York, USA
This is from a woman who attended a conference with a group of women.
I recorded a prophecy for each woman in the group but never did get to meet them.
Hi Michelle,
I received a recorded word from you through a friend at a ministry school she attended. Your word hit the chords of my heart, it confirmed what I had sensed, it strengthened my faith, and helped me keep walking in dark times. Every once in a while, I will listen to it again and I seem to get more revelation. Thank you for listening to the Lord, and sharing as the Lord leads you. Be blessed, my friend,
Vicki, New Brunswick, CANADA
I posted a photo of a HOT AIR BALLOON, for our "Growing Your Prophetic Gift" exercise on FB.
The balloon picture had a personal message for me. “Up, up and away in my beautiful balloon”. My aunt, whom I loved dearly, died a few days ago. I was holding her hand and she looked up toward the window and toward the sky. When I saw this picture that song came to mind- He speaks to me a lot in songs, and I felt God's comforting message that my aunt was with Him and all her loved ones that had “gone home”. They were all free and happy. Thank you so much.
Mary, age 57, New York, USA
This is from a young prophet I'm mentoring. She wrote this after watching and listening to the prophecy on YouTube entitled, "Wake Up, Rise Up, Go"
Hey there!
So my friend Angel and I watched one of your videos the other day and have been on quite the journey since! It was the one about the women warriors awakening and the Lion of Judah telling them to “rise up”. It has been like a treasure hunt as Holy Spirit continues to lead us to passages that correspond with your vision (Isaiah 32 and Ezekiel 37)! I spent the majority of today just finding scripture and studying God's vision for His women and studying Ezekiel 2. If only I could just drop everything and study God's word and will!
Aubrey, 21, New York, USA
Hi Michelle,
Just wanted to say how glad I was to meet you. Your words and prayers encouraged, especially the part about tenacity. I had been going through some hard things over the last four years and it has affected my faith, courage, and boldness. I was thinking of the scripture in Hebrews 10:38-39. "But my righteous one shall live by faith; and if he shrinks back, my soul has no pleasure in Him. But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the preserving of the soul." I would love to hear more about what you are writing and what the Lord is calling you to do. Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement. You really blessed me. Thank you.
Stacey, age 45, New York, USA
Good Afternoon Michelle,
I just wanted to thank you again for your time Saturday. It was a special privilege to meet with you. You carry such an aura of divine love and serenity, unlike anyone I have ever personally met. I will attend my friend's church when you speak there. I feel a strong urging to learn from you and look forward to future encounters. Peace and blessings,
Patti Ann, 61, New York, USA
Dear Michelle,
You are a true gift to the body of Christ and I appreciate you. I was amazed that you were so willing to share your gifting so freely with me. It was an encouragement to me. Thank you so much.
Michele, New York, USA
After being delivered from fear:
My surgery went very well. Everyone was great to me. I'm home now. Thanks for the prayer. I no longer fear anesthesia! Praise Jesus!
John, 53, New York, USA
I just want to thank you for your timely word on vindication (prophetic word on video). It really ministered and helped me in what I am going through. Very precise corporate word for such a time as this and I am truly thankful!
Thank you, Michelle!
Michele, age 57, New York, USA
Sometimes we need the aid and assistance and of our brothers and sisters for us to break through! Thank you Michelle, God used you to help me to overcome the spirit of jezebel and break through to a new place in the Kingdom of God!
Jerry, 62, New York, USA
What a blessing you are to so many! In my own life, I can say that your beautiful obedience to listening to the Lord's voice as to what He wanted to say to me during my deliverance sessions has impacted me more than you will ever know! God used those precious times to really show me who I am! I feel closer to Him than I ever have in my life. Thank you for truly being sold out to Him! May the incredible love of Christ continue to flow through you so beautifully! Love you, my dear princess and sister in Christ!
Theresa, 43, New York USA
Thank you so much, Queen Prophetess Michelle! Love and miss you!!! I still wear that necklace you gave me (all the time) and get TONS of compliments on it! It always makes me think of your selfless act to give me the necklace off of your neck because God told you to.
Lindsay, Age 28, New York, USA
This is from a YouTube viewer whom I wrote a small prophecy for and he confirmed the prophecy:
Thanks again for the word you gave me on YouTube about God being proud of me. I'm 65 and never heard that before and it changed me a little. You see, I believed you; not that I'm all that great, but you summed me up and I believe you are the "real deal". I hear a lot of people out there claiming to hear from the Lord and I think just want to convey their last dream. I've been sober 28 years as of last month and on my sobriety birthday, this knock that I've had in my car engine since I bought the car all but disappeared. I look forward to more of your YouTube words and I'm still waitin' on that angelic story you spoke of a few months back. Peace out!
Jeff, age 65, USA